Boost Your Mood with Positive Psychology
5 minutes Published on October 31, 2021
Weight loss isn’t just about diet, exercise, or the way your body looks – it's also about the way you feel about yourself and the way you look at the future. Our Wellbeing Boost innovation adds another enhancement to the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet program: the power of positive psychology.
With this enhancement, we complete our Total Wellbeing approach to health and weight loss: a balance between physical and psychological wellbeing.
Why positive psychology?
Psychological and physical wellbeing are closely linked: if one suffers, the other suffers too. To stay motivated while on the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet, we believe having a positive view of ones self and the future can help boost results and wellbeing.
The CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet relies on science, not trends, and this new wellbeing component is no exception. Following research-based evidence, we’ve created a three-pronged approach to wellbeing: Kindness, Gratitude and Best Possible Self.
With the new enhancement to our program, we have created simple ways for your members to practice these techniques with bespoke online tools that help them work on their daily mood, motivation, and view of the future. Practicing these techniques in combination with eating better and staying active can be a true game changer for their overall wellbeing.
The tools we offer
All of our solutions offer members the freedom to choose which techniques you want to practice. Some may want to try all, some may want to focus on just one but our interactive Start Strong Guide helps them to try them all in order to get the best results from their programs.
Following research-based evidence, we’ve created a three-pronged approach to boost your wellbeing:
- Kindness – compassionate acts are proven to improve wellbeing
- Gratitude – being thankful for what you have can increase happiness levels
- Best possible self – focusing on a positive future can boost your optimism and motivation levels
Using the new online tools in the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet program, they’ll be able to record your happiness progress and work towards a more positive view of themselves and their future.